The Pros and Cons of Epoxy Flooring

pros and cons of epoxy flooring

Epoxy flooring is one of the most popular solutions in industrial and commercial settings but has also seen a surge of interest in the residential sector. Its versatility, durability, and aesthetic appeal make it a popular choice. However, like any other flooring option, epoxy flooring has its own pros and cons.

This blog will look at what epoxy is and discuss the pros and cons of epoxy flooring to help you make an informed decision for your flooring needs.

Pros of Epoxy Flooring


Epoxy flooring is renowned for its exceptional durability, making it highly resistant to heavy foot traffic, impacts, and chemical spills. This resilience ensures that the flooring maintains its integrity even in the most demanding environments, such as warehouses, factories, and garages.

Low Maintenance

One of the primary advantages of epoxy flooring is its low maintenance requirements. Unlike many other flooring options, epoxy surfaces are easy to clean and maintain, requiring only regular sweeping and occasional mopping to keep them looking pristine. This makes epoxy flooring a cost-effective choice in the long run, reducing the need for expensive cleaning products and labour-intensive maintenance routines.


Epoxy flooring offers unparalleled versatility in terms of design options. Available in a wide range of colours, patterns, and finishes, epoxy can be customized to suit any aesthetic preference or functional requirement. Whether you prefer a glossy finish for a modern look or a matte finish for added slip resistance, epoxy flooring can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

Chemical Resistance

Thanks to its seamless and non-porous surface, epoxy flooring is highly resistant to chemicals, including oil, grease, acids, and solvents. This makes it ideal for environments where spills are common, such as laboratories, manufacturing facilities, and automotive shops. The ability to withstand chemical exposure also ensures that epoxy flooring maintains its appearance and performance over time.


Epoxy flooring’s seamless nature leaves no room for bacteria, mould, or other contaminants to thrive, making it an exceptionally hygienic flooring option. This makes it particularly well-suited for environments where cleanliness is paramount, such as hospitals, restaurants, and food processing facilities. Additionally, epoxy flooring’s smooth surface makes sanitizing easy, enhancing its hygienic properties.

Fast Installation

Compared to many traditional flooring options, epoxy flooring can be installed relatively quickly, minimizing downtime and disruption to business operations. Depending on the area’s size and the installation’s complexity, epoxy flooring can often be installed in a matter of days, allowing businesses to resume normal activities with minimal delay.

epoxy flooring at a studio
TTM recently completed an epoxy floor for the new Weishaupt Design studio. The concrete had extensive cracking which had to be repaired.

Cons of Epoxy Flooring

Initial Cost

While epoxy flooring offers long-term cost savings due to its durability and low maintenance requirements, the initial installation cost can be higher than some traditional flooring options. The need for specialized materials and professional installation expertise contributes to the upfront investment required for epoxy flooring.

Slippery When Wet

Although epoxy flooring is generally resistant to slips and falls, it can become slippery when wet or oily substances are on the surface. This can pose a safety hazard, particularly when spills are common, or floors are regularly exposed to water. Additional precautions, such as using non-slip additives or textured finishes, may be necessary to mitigate this risk.

Limited Repair Options

While epoxy flooring is highly durable, it is not indestructible. Repairing epoxy flooring can be challenging in the event of damage, such as cracks or chips. Unlike other flooring materials that can be easily patched or replaced, repairing epoxy flooring often requires professional expertise and specialized equipment, which can be costly and time-consuming.

ALSO READ: Epoxy vs Polished Concrete Floor: Which Is Better?

Susceptible to UV Damage

Epoxy flooring is susceptible to discoloration and deterioration when exposed to prolonged sunlight or UV radiation. Over time, UV exposure can cause epoxy surfaces to turn yellow or fade, compromising their appearance and performance. This makes epoxy flooring less suitable for outdoor applications or areas with large windows that allow significant sunlight exposure.

Preparation Requirements

Achieving a high-quality epoxy flooring installation requires meticulous surface preparation, including cleaning, etching, and patching any substrate imperfections. Failure to properly prepare the substrate can result in adhesion issues, such as peeling or delamination of the epoxy coating.

Strong Odour During Installation

Epoxy flooring installation typically involves using epoxy resin, emitting strong odours during curing. These odours can be unpleasant and may linger for several days after installation, potentially causing discomfort for occupants of the space. Adequate ventilation is necessary to minimize odour exposure during an epoxy flooring installation, but it may not completely eliminate the issue.

Hiring an Epoxy Flooring Contractor

In conclusion, epoxy flooring has many benefits, making it an excellent choice for any setting where durability, versatility, and low maintenance are critical. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the potential drawbacks, including initial cost and slipperiness when wet. Despite these cons, epoxy flooring is a popular and practical choice for industrial, commercial, and residential applications.

If you’re considering epoxy flooring for your next project, it’s essential to partner with a professional epoxy flooring contractor who understands the intricacies of installation and can ensure a high-quality result. 

TTM Finishes is fully bonded and insured and only uses high-quality products, environmentally-friendly techniques, professional equipment and WHMIS-trained and certified personnel on all painting and concrete floor finishing projects.

Contact TTM today for a free, no-obligation consultation at 905-850-0335 or complete our online form to learn how to transform your concrete floor from drab to stunning!